The hike went through rolling terrain on not very wellknown paths. Musclewood, Hornbeam tree, was everywhere as well as birches and oaks.
High bush blueberries were old and tall.
Sun was already low at three pm. I was pleased, hoping for a sunset climb.
And I was not disappointed!
My usual tree climbing face: the widest grin possible.
This enormous tree had a view in every direction. Looking East, Boston skyscrapers in a gentle glow.
Last of the oaks still in foliage
The sunset almost had a tropical feel.
Following every change in scenery
Finally the conclusion in pink.
After that dark quickly came. We were prepared for descent with our headlamps in place. To keep our senses in tune with nature, we only turned on the lights
when we hooked and unhooked our carabiners.
Safely on the ground, we were guided by the shining moon.
In the glow of our headlamps the woods looked different. Here is a young cherry trunk.
Yellow birch. In the background the lights from the highway.
And the strangest of all, the musclewood again.
And I just had to include this at the end: the prettiest guy, my very own resident house finch in the reddest of red.
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